This is our custom dashboard and reporting engine. Dashboards are updated in real-time and can query data from virtually any area of the application. We have them categorized under the following for your convenience:
- Events, Incidents
- Users
- Load Management
- SLA Management
Data can be filtered by:
- Camera
- Customer
- Date
- Integrator
- Site
- Operator
- and more!
Device Health
Our device health tab delves into our deep integrations with your cameras. This allows your monitoring station and administrators to confirm more than just that a video stream is active.
Device Health checks:
- Edge analytics are enabled
- Object Detection is configured
- Test events have been received
Supervision can be customized for each individual device for 4, 12, and 24 hour intervals.
Custom dashboards can be applied to your whole company or individual users.
To dive further into camera health setup and capabilities, you can visit the following articles: