How to Navigate to Customer Statistics
Finding Customer Statistics Navigate to Log in using your previously created credentials ( Ask your Integrator or Account Administrator for more details) Click on Customer Tab (For integrators) Click on the Customer Account ...
Customer Statistics - Explanation of Charts Interface
These charts are for a more in-depth view of individual customer Statistics. Cameras - How many Cameras are active on each day Traffic - The Total amount of Billable Traffic for the Integrator Account by Mbit and for each Day Storage - the Total ...
Integrator Statistics - Explanation of Dashboard Interface
The Integrator Statistics Interface has everything you need to see the overview of your integrator account Integrator Dashboard -> The Tab for Integrators Statistics Charts -> Additional charts for additional information Statistics Date -> Choose the ...
Customer Statistics - Explanation of Statistics Interface
The Customer Statistics Interface is quite similar to the Integrator Statistics Interface except it is for a single customer, not for overall integrator Data. Statistics Tab -> See Above Statistics Date -> Choose the Range of Statistics you want to ...
Customer Roles - Explanation of the Roles Interface
This will show you all the information about what you can do on the Roles Portal Interface Add Button -> Add a Role to this Customer Entries Per Page -> How many Roles per Page, Choose between 10/25/50/100 Reset Filters -> you can search Roles by ...
Customer Account Profile - What is the Account Profiles Tab
The Account Profile is where all the information about this particular customer is saved, as well as where you can modify that information. You Can Change contact information Change Billing Information Change Company Location Change Default Recording ...
Customer Account Logs - Explanation of the Logs Interface
Use this page as a description of all the areas and what you can do on it. LOGS INTERFACE Logs Interface Show Logs by Count -> Shows a certain number of logs in reverse on the specific day chosen Show Logs by Time -> Shows All the Logs in the Last ...
Integrator Cameras - Explanation of Cameras Interface
This is a full description of all the options on the Integrator Camera Module Interface Integrator Camera Module -> Location of the module Add Button -> Register a new Camera into your integrator account P&P Cameras Tab -> See Below Customers Cameras ...
Customer Account Profile - Explanation of the Account Profile Interface
Use this page as a description of all the areas inside the account profile tab and what you can do on it Account Profile Interface Account Profile Interface -> See Above Admin Portal -> Enable or Disable the Customer access to the Admin Portal Video ...
Customer Events - Explanation of Events Interface
These are detailed descriptions about what you can find in the Events Tab Interface Events Tab -> Logs of all the Events for a Customer Show Logs by Time -> Shows All the Logs in the Last Number of hours for this Login, Current maximum 24 hours Show ...
Integrator Statistics - How to Find the Integrator Statistics
Finding Integrator Statistics is extremely simple. Navigate to Log in using your previously created credentials ( Ask your Integrator or Account Administrator for more details) Click on the Dashboard Tab (for integrators)
Customer Roles - Changing or Deleting a Role
This page is for information on inside an individual Role You can Change Specifics of a Role, including camera access and role information Delete the Role Change the Users who are assigned this role Change or Delete a Role Navigate to the Roles ...
Customer Share - What is the Share Tab
Share is designed for two specific Utility tasks Create Camera Widgets that can be embedded online on websites Create Camera Shared links that can be shared with links expiring after a certain time. Examples of Benefits and Use Cases -> Embed a video ...
Registering Cameras to an Integrator Account
After Installing the P&P Module onto the camera you must add it to your Integrator Account so you can then assign it to a customer. You can Register P&P Cameras ONVIF Cameras Generic Connection Cameras Navigate to Log in ...
Share cameras between customers
To allow users of one customer to view cameras of another customer you can configure sharing of the cameras between the two customers. Same customer can share their cameras to multiple other customers and receive shared cameras from multiple ...
Integrator Branding - How to Find Integrator Account Branding
Follow the steps to find your Branding Abilities as an Integrator To Find the Person Integrator Account Interface: Navigate to Log in using your previously created credentials ( Ask your Integrator or Account Administrator ...
Customer Share - Share Interface Links Tab
Information about the Share Portal Interface for the Links Tab LINKS TAB Share Button -> Create a new Share Widget or New Share Link Links Tab -> Tab to keep any Share Links organized Entries per page -> Choose how many Share Links you see on the ...
Customer Share - How to Find Customer Share Interface
Follow these Steps to find the Share Interface Navigate to Log in using your Previously Created Credentials from the Integrator or account admin Navigate to the Customers Tab Click on the Customer Account Click on the Share ...
Customer Branding - Explanation of the Branding Interface
There are multiple areas in the VMS platform that a Customer or Integrator can customize with their branding. 1.0 General 2.0 Admin Portal 3.0 Video Portal 4.0 Video Portal Themes 5.0 Letter 6.0 Shared Page 7.0 Alarm Station 8.0 IFrame domains 1.0 ...
Customer Account Profile - How to Find the Account Profile Tab
The Account Profile Interface is where you have the ability to change all the basic information about this customer, as well as several different settings to activate or deactivate allowing access for this customer to areas of the platform. To Find ...
Explanation of Individual Cameras Interface
This is a large Training File on all the specifics of an Individual Camera interface. It has History, Settings, Package choice, and more. Please search the following list for specifics about each part using Ctrl + F or scroll down to the correct ...
Integrator Statistics - Explanation of Charts Interface
Integrator Charts is extra information for Integrators to look at the overall picture. It is similar to the Dashboard statistics, but there are more details on specific data points. You can mouse over the Graphs to get extra information for each data ...
Customer Account Logs - What is the Logs Tab?
Logs is a database of ALL the individual areas logs and every change ever made in all of those areas. This includes all the other specific location logs. ( User history, Alerts Logs, etc) This area can be used as a database to search for something in ...
Customer Account Cameras - Explanation of Camera Interface
This is the for Customer Camera interface. Information about each aspect you can find as well as descriptions about what the Information means is below CUSTOMERS CAMERAS TAB Customer Camera Tab -> Used to see every camera currently attached to a ...
Customer Account Logs - How to Find the Logs Tab
To Find the Logs Interface Navigate to Log in using your previously created credentials (Ask your Integrator or Account Administrator for more details) Click on Customer Tab (For integrators) Click on the Customer Account ...
Customer Users - How to Find the User Interface
The User Interface is where you make changes for all Users in each individual customer. To find the User Interface Navigate to Log in using your previously created credentials (Ask your Integrator or Account Administrator ...
Integrator Users - How to Find the Integrator Managers Interface
To Find the Integrator Managers Interface follow the following steps Navigate to Log in using your previously created Credentials from the Integrator or account admin Navigate to the Managers Tab
Explanation of the Different Statistics Pages
The statistics are quite simple but highly effective at giving an overview of everything going on with the account. We have 2 different areas for statistics. Integrator Statistics Individual Customer Statistics Integrator Statistics Overview of the ...
Customer Share - Modify, Delete, and History of a Link
This is Information on a specific Link and what you can Modify or Delete or View for History on the Link Navigate to the Share Interface (Search "how to find share" for more information) Click the Links Tab Click the Name of the Link SETTINGS ...
Customer Branding - How to Find the Branding Tab
The Branding Interface is where you can create/delete/modify any branding related to this customer or sub-integrator To find the Branding Interface: Navigate to Log in using your previously created credentials (Ask your ...
Individual Cameras - How to Find Individual Camera Interface
These steps will help you find the Camera Interface Area for individual customers. You have two options Option 1 To Find the Camera Interface Using Customer Interface Navigate to Log in using your previously created ...
Creating a New Customer
There are two types of entities that you, as our partner, can create: 1. Integrator 2. Customer You can create your own sub-integrators and earn profit from the business they will generate. The integrators that you create will be able to add their ...
Customer Account Cameras - How to Add a Camera
Customer Add Cameras is very similar to an integrator adding cameras with the exception of having already chosen a customer. You can choose between Adding P&P, ONVIF, or Generic Connection Cameras using the Add Button You can search for details for ...
How do I set up a new Customer?
Create customer, users, and roles. Here is our recommended sequence of steps for adding in a new customer under your integrator platform! 1. Under Customers menu click Add and fill in required fields to create a new customer Step 1 2. Add customer ...
How to Add a Camera using Generic Option
Virtually any IP camera that has an RTSP stream can be added to our system. In order to add a camera to our system using the Generic option, you will need to configure a port forwarding rule to allow our servers to reach the camera's RTSP stream. The ...
Customer Roles - How to Find Roles
To Find the Role Interface: 1. Navigate to 2. Log in using your previously created credentials from the integrator or account admin. 3. Navigate to Customers tab. 4. Click on the Customer account. 5. Click on the Role tab ...
Using the Camera Substream on VMS
Reasons to use: Slow internet speed on site - By using a lower resolution image, this decreases the amount of load on the site’s internet Decreased cost - If the camera is on a Pay As You Go plan, the lower image quality will use less data Less ...