Camera list shows all connected cameras. Start typing camera name to search for it. At the bottom of the list you can filter cameras by:
Navigation menu opens access to the camera groups (layouts). Here layouts can be categorized and sorted. Start typing the layout name to search for it.
Menu events shows all events that were detected by the camera. You can search for events using available filters. If Face Recognition is enabled for any of the cameras match results will be shown on the Faces tab.
Menu library holds all clips and time-lapses. You can search, download, rename and delete clips from here.
Menu map shows cameras location on the map. You can preview the camera, open the camera full screen or drag and drop the camera into any layout cell to add it to the current layout.
Menu autoscan allows you to configure an automatic layout change sequence. You can add both layouts and cameras using drag and drop method from either cameras or layout menus. Drag items in the list to change order in which they will be shown.
Thumbnail grid shows snapshots from archived footage allowing you to quickly search for a specific event.
Heatmaps menu allows you to visually estimate areas of high traffic. This menu is shown only for accounts that have Object detection enabled for at least one camera.
Layout menu allows you to change layouts and save them for future use.
Help menu shows video tutorials and allows you to download pdf version of the Video portal guide.
Account menu allows you to change your password, access admin portal and safely end the session.