Supervised Events

Supervised Events

Supervised events are when a site is configured with rules at the site or camera level by an administrator, telling your sites to automatically create an event ticket for you. 

To break this down further, the system will auto-create an alarm on site when armed whenever it sees a specific analytic, say car or people-depending on the site design and then auto populate a ticket into your incident cue.

What does this look like?

When supervised events are turned on, you will be able to have the Incident Que open and alarms will auto populate as they get triggered on site-no need to use the alarm portal to acknowledge events for these sites. 

When an event get's created by our supervised event system, it will produce a note in the notes section similar to this this:


All events coming through will populate a ticket with most likely a



Ensure that the disposition is always altered to the correct one as the event gets reviewed! 

  1. You may get a few erroneous events coming in as a suspicious event. Please make sure to notate and change the disposition down to Erroneous so that the integrators can have a look at those cameras to make changes and customer's aren't alerted of these events in their reports. 
  2. Some sites have traffic go through at night in public areas. It is important that if reviewed and deemed normal, the disposition gets changed to normal with a note reflecting why for the customer's reports. 
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