ONVIF Authentication Failed error when adding a new camera

ONVIF Authentication Failed error when adding a new camera

"ONVIF Authentication Failed" message is displayed when the provided user credentials do not match the camera's ONVIF user. This can happen either when adding a new camera or after the camera was reconfigured locally. Also, some special characters will cause issues with ONVIF communications.

The following special symbols are known to cause issues: "," "." "/" "@" "?" "#" "+" "%".

If camera credentials were changed locally simply open the camera's properties window and on the troubleshooting tab enter new user credentials. For cameras that were added using the ONVIF option user credentials can be changed on the Network tab as well.


If you are attempting to integrate a new camera and our servers show an "ONVIF Authentication Failed" message and you are certain that correct credentials were entered this means that your camera has a separate ONVIF user that has to be enabled/created in addition to the administrator user you use to access camera's web interface. This additional user is required for all Axis cameras, most Hikvision cameras, and can be required for other manufacturers as well. For some manufacturers, ONVIF protocol has to be enabled but no additional user is required, consult the manufacturer-specific user manual to determine the exact procedure to enable/create ONVIF protocol/user for your camera model.

For example on Axis, products go to the System tab and select the ONVIF menu. From there create a new user with administrator permissions.

For Hikvision cameras go to the Network menu and select Advanced Settings, from there click on the Integration Protocol tab. Put a checkmark next to Enable ONVIF and click Add button to create a new user, create a user with Administrator permissions.

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