You can modify fixed plan price for your customers or create a copy of the fixed plan and assign it to your sub-integrator to allow your sub-integrators to use fixed plans.
To access subscription plans login with your integrator account and click on your name at the top right corner. Choose the Customer Subscription plan menu to see a list of all fixed plans available to you. Click on any plan to modify it or create a copy for your sub-integrators. If you need additional plans please submit a request using the Submit a request button at the top of this page and provide parameters of the plan.
To adjust the price for your customers simply enter new End user price and/or name for the plan and press the Update button to save changes.
To assign a billing plan to your sub-integrator you need to create a copy of the billing plan and set the price for that sub-integrator will pay you and End user will pay your sub-integrator. Your sub-integrator will be able to modify End user price but won't be able to modify his cost. To create a copy use Copy button and set prices and/or name for the new plan. On the next page of the billing plan setup you will choose which sub-integrators will be receiving this plan.