Individual Cameras - Camera Analytics Setup

Individual Cameras - Camera Analytics Setup

Camera Analytics is an extremely important area of Camera Configuration.
This is where the true value is built for a customer by giving him power over notifications, what they are notified about, and what real estate in the camera field of view they are notified about! 


A Camera can setup:

  • Motion Detection -> used to detect any motion in a specified Area in the field of view
  • Line Crossing Detection -> Use to Detect Any Motion in a Specific Direction in the Field of View
  • Intrusion Detection -> Used to detect a *safe* area in the field of view and if any specifically chosen Item enters that area
  • Tampering Detection -> Used to Detect Camera Tampering

  • 5.1 General
  • 5.2 Motion Detection
  • 5.3 Line Crossing
  • 5.4 Intrusion Detection
  • 5.5 Tampering Detection

To Find the Analytics Tab, Follow the Following Steps


  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in using your previously created credentials (Ask your Integrator or Account Administrator for more details)
  3. Click on Customer Tab (for Integrators)
  4. Click on the Customer Account
  5. Click on the Camera Tab to bring up the Camera Interface
  6. Search and Choose the Specific Camera you want to make Changes on
  7. Click the Analytics Tab on the Individual Camera Interface



This gives you a basic overview of the Analytics Aspect and what the camera currently has active for analytics

  1. Analytics Tab - See Above
  2. General Analytics Tab - See above
  3. Thumbnail -> Camera Thumbnail and  representation of current Active Analytics
  4.  Report -> A Summary Report generated Daily of Camera Events
  5. Camera Events -> Activate or Deactivate Camera Events
  6. Object Detection Analytics -> Activate or Deactivate Advanced Analytics
  7. Detection Rule # -> Overview of all active Advanced Analytics
  8. Add Rule -> Add a new Advanced Analytic Rule
  9. Save -> Save any changes made to this Camera
  10. Close -> Close without saving any changes



This Tab is used to detect any motion in any area of the screen. You can choose what areas of the screen by selecting individual boxes as active.

One great use of this type of analytics is when Customers just want to know about activity on the camera in general, with certain areas actively chosen to not be part of it  a road or a moving fan, etc)

  1. Motion Detection Analytics Tab - See Above
  2. Thumbnail -> A snapshot of the current screen of view and the ability to choose which areas of the field of view that are active for motion detection
  3. Enable -> Activate or Deactivate Motion detection Analytics
  4. Minimum Object Size -> Choose What % of the Field of view screen has to be in motion to activate an Event Log. There are 396 boxes in the field of view. 5% = 20 boxes must be filled 1% = 4 Boxes
  5. Sensitivity -> How much Movement Change has to be detected to activate an Event log. 100%= ANY motion, 10%=Must move across most of the Field of View
  6. Alarm ON Delay -> When the VMS Guard Software is Activated, the time between Event Activation and it arriving on the VMS Guard Software
  7. Alarm OFF Delay -> When the VMS Guard Software is De-Activated, the time between Event Activation and it arriving as a logged event on the VMS Guard Software
  8. Apply Settings -> Save changes made to Motion Detection Analytics. Must be Applied to Save Changes



Line crossing is used when you want to know about something or someone crossing the field of view in a specific direction. 

One example of a use case is when a customer has one-way traffic in a factory or yard, or when you are concerned about an exit-only door on a building

  1. Line Crossing Analytics Tab -> See Above
  2. Thumbnail -> Shows current Field of View and Move the Line to chosen location by clicking on it then dragging ends to proper location
  3. Enabled -> Activate or Deactivate Line Crossing Advanced Analytics
  4. Line # -> Delete Individual Lines
  5. Sensitivity -> How much movement has to be detected to create an Event Log. 100% is the entire width of the screen
  6. Crossing Direction ->  Choose A->B, B->A, or Both Directions
  7. Apply Settings -> Save any changes made to Line Crossing Analytics



Intrusion Detection is used to set up Specific areas of the Camera Field of view the customer wishes to be alerted of entry into. It is similar to motion detection with more targeted variables.

This is an excellent use for customers who have a *No Entry* area, Machinery that should never be accessed, Shelves that should never be climbed on, alerts on disreputable people trespassing on areas for a certain length of time, etc. 

  1. Intrusion Detection Analytics Tab -> See Above
  2. Thumbnail -> A Snapshot of Camera Field of View and The Ability to move around the Intrusion Zone for detection. Click on the Colored area and move edges by dragging
  3. Enabled -> Activate or Deactivate Intrusion Detection Analytics
  4. Area # -> Delete a chosen Intrusion Zone
  5. Sensitivity -> How much movement has to be detected to create an Event Log. 100% is the entire width of the screen 
  6. Percentage -> How much of the Zone has to be activated to create an Event Log. 100% is the entire Intrusion Zone must be in motion
  7. Time Threshold -> what Length of time does the Intruding Object have to be inside the zone to create an Event Log. Measured in Seconds
  8. Appy Settings -> Save Changes to any Intrusion Zones setup on this camera



This Analytics is used to detect any individuals Tampering with the Camera. This involves the detection of a change in Field of View.

Great to be used when a customer is concerned about individuals covering a camera or changing the direction of Field of View.

  1. Tampering Detection Analytics Tab -> See Above
  2. Thumbnail -> A Snapshot of the Camera Field of View
  3. Enabled -> Activate or Deactivate Tampering Detection
  4. Sensitivity -> How much of the field of view has to change to send a tampering alert 100% selection = 1% of Field of View has to change to send a tampering alert
  5. Appy Settings -> Save Changes to the Tampering Detection Analytics
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