To assign an open incident to an operator, simply navigate to the INCIDENTS tab from the left hand Camp menu.
You will notice there are two groupings of events-one for open tickets and one for assigned tickets.
Your OPEN incident category will reveal the time each individual ticket should be assigned to and resolved by in accordance to the level.
To open the ticket you can either:
-click the icon at the end of the ticket to reveal the details in a new window or
-you are able to click anywhere on the event itself to open it on the same page.
Once you’re inside the incident, you will have access to all the information associated with this ticket. In the top right above the incident details, you will see a button that says UNASSIGNED.
Clicking on this will bring up a window where you are able to choose who you will assign the ticket to and have the opportunity to add any additional information or notes that you may want them to know.
Hit save!
**Once assigned, the ticket will then move over to the assigned group category in the INCIDENTS tab and cannot be unassigned.
**If your monitoring station has AUTO ASSIGN turned on for your user login, your job is even easier**
As the operator,
1. click on the incident under the OPEN category
2. the incident will automatically AUTO ASSIGN to you and you can begin working on actioning your incident (
The Incident will now appear in the ASSIGNED category.
(visit this page to see how you can allow your user to have auto assign turned on)