I Have Just Installed a Push Module on the Camera but it is Not Working

I Have Just Installed a Push Module on the Camera but it is Not Working

The exact procedure to troubleshoot will depend on the camera model and manufacturer, please follow these general highlights for initial troubleshooting:

1. Did the push module installation process complete successfully?

For Uniview cameras you should see a message saying: "Installation successful. The camera will now reboot." If you did not get this message try reinstalling the push module. If for the second time the installation still fails do a factory reset of the camera, configure Network and time settings of the camera to ensure that camera can access the internet and try installing push module again, for instructions please visit this page.

If the installation of the push module was a success but the camera status is still "offline", check the following:
   a. Have you allowed ample time for the camera to boot and initialize, this process can take up to 10 minutes on some models?

   b. Was the camera restarted after the installation of the push module? Some models do not auto-restart at the end of the push module installation process. Try to restart the camera manually.

    c. Is camera network settings correct? If using static IP address option make sure that you use the correct Default Gateway and DNS server.

    d. Do you have a firewall or other device that "filters" your internet traffic? Make sure that nothing is blocking the camera from accessing the internet.

For Axis cameras check the status of the push application under Apps (Applications for older models) menu of the camera. Push module app should have a green dot near it and should have the status "Running". If the dot is red and status is "Stopped" select the application and click the "Start" button.

Do the same checks as for the Uniview camera: wait at least 10 minutes; do manual camera restart; check network settings; check for firewall or other security rules that can prevent the camera from accessing the internet.
Additionally, on Axis cameras, you need to create a separate ONVIF user, for instructions visit:
How to Activate ONVIF on the Camera

For Hikvision cameras you also need to check the status of the application under the Open Platform menu.

The PUSH MODULE application should be installed and have Status: "Running", if it's not loaded into the camera or is not started add it and start it, instructions can be found here. Same as for Axis cameras Hikvision cameras require a separate ONVIF user to be created and ONVIF service to be enabled, for instructions please visit this page. Once the push application and ONVIF user is created try the following:
   a. Restart the camera
   b. Wait at least 10 minutes
   c. Open the camera properties window and go to the Troubleshooting tab, allow our servers to finish the automated troubleshooting process.

If the camera is still inaccessible and the automated troubleshooting says that the camera is unavailable check the camera network and clock settings, firewall rules and exceptions.


For other cameras follow these general rules:

   a. Check camera's network and clock settings
   b. Check for separate ONVIF user/service and enable it if needed
   c. Restart the camera
   d. Wait 10 minutes
   e. Check for errors on Troubleshooting tab

If your camera is connected to other device/services do a factory reset of the camera and try to add it to our service first, then once it is fully operational connect it to the other device/service.



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