How to Install Push Module: Hikvision Cameras

How to Install Push Module: Hikvision Cameras

Make sure that your camera has the latest firmware!
Take note only: R2, R4, R6, G0 and G1 series are supported. For full compatibility chart navigate to: List of Supported Models from your knowledge base

If the camera was used before or the factory configuration was modified please restore factory default settings on the camera. To do this go to System=>Maintainance=>Upgrade and Maintainance and press the "Default" button.


Step 2:

Upgrade the camera using downloaded firmware.

Next, upgrade the camera firmware using the appropriate version for your camera series.
To upgrade the firmware go to System=>Maintainance=>Upgrade and Maintainance, browse to find the location where you saved the firmware, and click the "Upgrade" button.



Configure camera network settings.

Then configure camera internet access. Start from TCP/IP settings, DHCP configuration is recommended.

If using manual IP address configuration ensure that camera has access to the Internet. Check “Default Gateway” and “preferred DNS” server fields and make sure they are valid for your location.

Important: If your network has a firewall, allow output TCP traffic to port 443.

Check that your HTTP port is set to 80 and RTSP port is set to 554 (customer values are not supported) 

Now, Install the Latest Firmware

Install the latest Hikvision firmware with “Open platform” feature support. 

You can find the lastest firmware for your model's here: Push Modules and Firmware

Enable and Add ONVIF User

1. On any Hikvision Camera with a firmware version of 5.5.0 or higher, you must make sure ONVIF is enabled in the camera settings before adding it to the platform. 

2. Use the ADD button to create a new user. Make sure to use the same credentials as you used to access the camera and select ADMINISTRATOR type for ONVIF user. 

We are ready to install the Push Module! 

1. Go to your "Open Platform" tab and install the push module package for your appropriate series model. 

2. After it is successfully installed, click START

3. Wait for 5-15 seconds and then click the LOG button

4. In the opened window find the line LOCAL SECURITY REGISTER CODE and use it to register the camera in your Local Security Cloud 

Now, let's navigate to your admin portal on the VMS! 

1. From your portal, go to your CAMERAS tab, click on ADD and select the P&P option 

2. Input your registration code obtained from the camera and a desired camera name 

3. If the camera's login credentials have been changed from the factory's defaults, select USE CUSTOM CREDENTIALS and input the new credentials here

4. Select one of the billing options

5. Click CREATE! 

Local Security will automatically find the camera and create a path for it! For ONVIF compliant cameras, you will gain access to the camera settings directly from the Local Security Admin Portal. 





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