Depending on the camera's main chip a different version of the push module should be used.
To download model-specific push module please visit:
Axis Camera Push Module from your knowledge base
A correct procedure to install the push module depends on the camera's interface version.
General protocol to add the Axis camera using P&P methods consists of the following steps:
Step 1:
Configure the camera's network and time settings according to its location requirements, ensure that camera can access the internet, and resolve DNS addresses.
Go to the System menu and click on TCP/IP tab. Configure IPv4 section. DHCP (automatic) IP configuration is recommended if Manual is used make sure that the correct Default router and Primary DNS server values are used.
On the Date and Time tab configure the clock to appropriate time zone and time.
Step 2:
Create an ONVIF user with Administrator role.
From the System menu go to the ONVIF tab and click on the plus button in the ONVIF users column, this user must have Administrator permissions.
Step 3:
Install your model specific push module.
To determine the correct version of the push module for your camera go to the System menu, use right arrow to reveal Plain config tab. From the plain config find Properties section and scroll down to find System Architecture.
Download the push module that matches the name of your camera architecture.
Step 4:
Go to the Apps menu and click on the Add button to upload the push module into the camera. Once the upload is complete PushModule 1.0 app will appear in the list, click on it to open its properties window. From this window click Start slider and wait for the app to start, usually no more than 5 seconds. Once the app is started click on App log and copy Registration code from the page that will appear.
Step 5:
Restart the camera and wait for it to boot up completely.
Step 6:
Add your camera in the Admin Portal using the Registration code from step 4.
From the Customers table click on the customer to whom you want to add the camera then click on the Cameras menu on the customer menu level and use the Add button to integrate the camera.
In the window that will appear select the P&P Camera option.
Input camera's Registration code (obtained in step 4) and provide camera's ONVIF user credentials created during step 2. Next, choose the billing plan and click the Create button!