How to Add Push Module to Tiandy Cameras

How to Add Push Module to Tiandy Cameras

To add a push module to the Tiandy camera please update the camera with the firmware that has a preinstalled push module.

Step 1: Download firmware with a preinstalled push module.

Navigate to: Tiandy Firmwares with Pre-Installed Push Module in your knowledge base to download model specific firmware with a push module. 

Step 2: Upgrade camera's firmware.

To upgrade the firmware on your camera connect to the camera's web interface and go to the Configuration menu (1). From there click on the System (2) option then click on Maintainance (3) and select the Upgrade tab (4). Using the Browse button (5) find the firmware file that was download on step 1 and select it. Then use the Upgrade button to start the upgrade process. Wait for the camera to complete the upgrade. The camera will reboot at the end of the upgrade process.

Step 3: Obtain the Registration code.

To obtain the Registration code copy camera's MAC address and remove all colons from it and add TND in the beginning. For example for the above camera MAC address is 3c:00:3c:00:3c:00 so the Registration code would be TND3c003c003c00. Use this Registration code in the next step.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that your camera is connected to the internet and can resolve DNS names. If you use the DHCP (Automatic) option and your router supports it then the camera should obtain correct Gateway and DNS parameters from the router automatically. If you use a Static IP address option make sure that the Gateway and DNS parameters are set appropriately for the camera location. 

Step 4:

Add camera in the VMS Admin portal using the Registration code from step 3.
From the Customers table click on the customer to whom you want to add the camera then click on the Cameras menu on the customer menu level and use the Add button to integrate the camera.
In the window that will appear select the P&P Camera option.

Input the camera's Registration code and provide the camera's user credentials. Next, choose the billing plan and click the Create button.




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