How to Add a Camera using Generic Option

How to Add a Camera using Generic Option

Virtually any IP camera that has an RTSP stream can be added to our system. In order to add a camera to our system using the Generic option, you will need to configure a port forwarding rule to allow our servers to reach the camera's RTSP stream.

The exact procedure to create a port forwarding rule will depend on the model of your router and/or modem. In general, you will need to have Administrator level access to the router at the camera's location. In the router web interface search for Port Forwarding option.

Under the Port Forwarding menu you will need to create a port forwarding rule that will specify Public (sometimes called External) port and Local (sometimes called Inbound) ports.

For Public port, you can use any unused port. For Local port make sure to use the RTSP port of the camera, default is 554.

Make sure to select TCP/UDP for the protocol, in some router this mode is called "Dual". And provide the local IP address of the camera, we recommend configuring the camera to Static IP address otherwise the

Port forwarding rule will be invalid if the camera will be reassigned to a new local IP address by DHCP service.


Once the port forwarding rule is configured and saved on your router go to the Admin portal, select a customer and go to Cameras Menu. From the Cameras menu click on Add button and Select Generic option.


For Video Source URL use the IP address of the location where the camera is located and the Public port that you created on the router. We recommend using dynamic DNS services since most internet service providers do change IP addresses quite often and when the IP address of the location where the camera is located will change our servers will lose connection to the camera and you will need to reconfigure it in our Admin portal. To find the IP address of the location where the camera is installed simply connect a laptop or any other device with an internet browser to the same network as the camera and do a Google search for "What is my IP":

If the camera do require user name and password to access its video stream please provide those in the corresponding lines otherwise you can leave those fields empty.

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