This is Information on a specific Widget and what you can Modify or Delete on the Widget
- Navigate to the Share Interface
- Click the Widget Tab
- Click the Name of the Widget
- Name -> Name of this Widget
- Description -> Description of this Widget
- Shared Cameras -> Unique ID number(s) of the Specific camera(s) associated with this Widget
- Video Feed -> a Viewable Video Feed of the chosen camera(s)
- Autoplay -> Choose whether the camera auto-starts on the webpage
- Disable WebRTC-> Choose whether to allow WebRTC access from your webpage
- Timeline -> Choose whether viewers have access to a timeline of past video or not
- Enable Events -> Choose whether viewers can see events on the Timeline or not
- Hide Camera Title -> Choose whether viewers can see Camera Names or Not
- HTML Copy -> Use this to Embed into Web pages
- Save -> Save any changes made
- Cancel -> Exit without saving any changes made
- Delete -> Used to delete this Widget Permanently
- Text Box -> enter Delete to unlock delete button
- Delete Button -> Click this to delete the Widget
- Cancel -> Cancel without saving any changes