Creating a Customer in Bounty Hunter

Creating a Customer in Bounty Hunter

Your Integrator's customer accounts will be the accounts that your integrator has sold to different companies so that we can monitor their cameras.

To create a Customer, navigate to the ACCOUNT menu on the left hand side of the Camp website.

Click on NEW ACCOUNT in the top right corner.

Enter in the clients name, choose Client under TYPE and then enter in the integrator that this new client will be under.

The address field will be the address of the head office as you will have the ability to add multiple sites under each client if applicable.

The service level agreements at the bottom of the page are how long the operators, by default, have to assign incidents based off the different level types. 

When an incident comes in and gets opened by an operator, there is a timer for each disposition level that gives x amount of minutes for this to be assigned to an operator to take care of. It will reflect by flashing warning colors on the site's incident when it hits this time. 

You can adjust the times here.

Then hit save in the top right corner!

This will reveal the VMS client ID field. 

You can find the required information by logging into the Camera Glue portal and enabling ID under the columns drop down.

Copy this information into the client ID field.

Once you hit save, your VMS client ID and VMS web hook ID will reveal itself. This means that your client has successfully been integrated with the VMS and is ready to now add a site to this customer. 


To learn how to add a site to your client visit: Adding a Site to your Client


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