Configuring your Site's Arming Rules

Configuring your Site's Arming Rules

Our system provides robust configuration capabilities to accommodate the variances your site may need for monitoring times by using arming rules. Arming rules are the configured times that your monitored site will arm and disarm.
When your site is armed, the operators will be monitoring your cameras and receiving alarms. 
When your site is disarmed, your site is not being monitored.

Use your Bounty Hunter Integrator App to configure your site's monitoring hours:

1. Navigate to Arming Rules

You will have 3 types of rules to choose from your dropdown: Standard, Holiday and Exception:

Standard Rules are your regular daily monitoring times.
Use these rules to set the arming and disarming times for a regular week at your site.
Holiday Rules are used to automate special arming and disarming schedules for the holidays in your region.
Holiday Rules will automatically over ride the standard rules.
Exception Rules are configured times where your business or site may have an exception.
These rules can be used if you have a known day where staff will leave early and you want monitoring to begin at a new time, or alternatively a day where staff will be in when they are not usually and you would like to have monitoring turned off.
These exception rules will override all holiday and standard rules for the dates configured.

2. Create your site's standard arming and disarming rules.

You can choose which day of the week your rule applies to at the top and make this an arming rule by hitting the red shield. 
You can create different rules for the weekend if your weekend hours require extended or lessened monitoring hours.

Now that you've created an arming rule, you want to create a disarming rule to tell the system when to stop monitoring.
Select the green shield for disarm on your new rule, and then choose the days of the week this disarm rule will apply to.

Hit submit to save.

3. Create a Holiday Rule.

Select Holiday from the list of arming rules and search for the desired holiday within your region. 

Pick the time you would like monitoring to start on the holiday  and write a corresponding note.

Because we didn't configure another disarming rule for this holiday, the site will automatically disarm as per it's regular schedule at 6:00 am the next morning. 

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