Configuring Site Supervision Rules

Configuring Site Supervision Rules

Supervision rules tell our monitoring software what kind of analytic activity you want the monitoring station to look out for and the event type that is presented to the operators for review.

1. Click on "Supervision Rule" to add your first rule in.

At the top you will see a person and a vehicle icon. These are the analytics types you will be setting your rules for. 

2. Create a supervision rule for people. 

This rule creation is if you want the operators to be alerted of people activity on your site during monitoring hours.

Click on the Person Icon to choose this analytic and next choose the confidence required to trigger the event for the operator. 
This confidence slider value means that the operator will receive an event alert if the AI confidence of that the detected object is equal or greater than the threshold confidence selected. 

Select a disposition. 
This is the ticket status that your person event will alert the operator of.

If you have expected people activity such as employees during monitoring hours, a good disposition to set is "Suspicious".
This will tell the operators that there is a person on site they should pay close attention to, to ensure they are not breaching any site rules.
If your site is a closed site, you may want to set the disposition to "Trespassing".
This means that any people activity on site during monitoring will tell the operator that someone is trespassing on site.

Hit submit once you have completed each field. 

3. Create a supervision rule for cars. 

If your site is not expecting car activity within the camera's view and you want all car activity to be presented to the operator, you can create a car supervision rule using the same process.

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