Changing or Deleting an Alert

Changing or Deleting an Alert

You can modify an alert from the Customers Alert Interface by clicking on the individual Alert.


  • Navigate to the Alerts Interface 
  • Choose the Alert you want to modify
  • Modify the Individual choices below
    1. Name -> Change Event Descriptive Name
    2. Scheduling -> Change Custom Schedule or to 24/7 alerts (If applicable)
    3. Notifications Filtering -> Change Minimum time between notifications
    4. Send Via -> Change between Email, Mobile Alerts, or Both  ( If Applicable)
    5. Add additional Cameras to the Alert
    6. Remove Cameras from the alert
    7. Change from Single or Multiple camera Confirmation
    8. Add additional Contacts to the alert
    9. Remove Contacts from the alert
    10. Choose certain contacts or all to temporarily disable this Alerts
    11. Choose how long to temporarily disable this Alert
    12. Disable the Alert temporarily
    13. Delete the Alert permanently
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