Camera Menu and its Functions

Camera Menu and its Functions

Menu cameras show you the list of all cameras in your account. There are 3 tabs in this list: Active, PTZ and Offline. Click on any of the tabs to see cameras from it, click again on the same tab to view all cameras in one list.

Start typing the camera name in the Search bar to shorten the list. You do not need to know the full name, partial matches will be shown as well.

Press this button to undock the camera list. Once it is undocked you can move it around your screen and resize in any direction.

  Press this button to change the side of the screen to which the camera list is docked.

Press this button to close the camera list. You can also press on the Cameras button from the top menu bar to close it.

To open the camera in a single camera layout simply click on it from the camera list. Another option is to drag and drop the camera into any cell in the current layout, the cell can be either occupied with any camera or be empty.

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