Camera Event Detection Setup - Common Mistakes and Best Practices

Camera Event Detection Setup - Common Mistakes and Best Practices

Scenario 1:

Turning off the event detector on the camera after everything was configured correctly. 

To fix this simply Enable the appropriate detection module on the camera.

Scenario 2:

Setting camera event detection on an empty schedule or inverting active hours causing the camera to miss events and as result, no object detection is happening or cameras generate events during wrong hours.

To fix this Enable plan and/or adjust alarm active hours according to your needs.

Scenario 3:

Setting the wrong line crossing direction. This will result in the event being missed for important events and instead will be generated for unwanted. 

To avoid this scenario carefully consider what direction of traffic flow is important for every camera.

Scenario 4:

Selecting the wrong object type for detection and not selecting objects that are important for the camera location.

Make sure to choose appropriate objects for every camera. There is no one rule that will fit all cameras universally.



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