Area Search Tool

Area Search Tool

For cameras with object detection enabled you can search for specified objects in a selected area of the image.

To do this click on the are search tool  from the camera toolbar and select area of the image:

A list of all identified objects will be shown. The list can be further shortened using date, color, and confidence filters. Use quick access buttons for Today and Yesterday to see most recent events, or click on the Date to access calendar and select any date from the available camera archive.

Click on Select object line to choose the type of objects that will be shown in the search results. The detection rules should be configured in the Admin portal for desired object classes to be included in the search results if detection rules are not configured no recognized objects will be shown. Smart analytics identifies objects only from the time this feature was activated and configured in the Admin portal for the select camera. Please note that the objects from the past archives won't be classified, only new objects detected from the time Object detection was enabled will be classified, so you cannot search for objects in the past if Object detection was not configured even though archives are available.

The confidence slider determines which results will be shown. When an object is recognized by our machine learning algorithms the server will provide a "confidence" level in other words how certain the algorithm that the highlighted object is a person, a car, or any other requested object type. So if there is a shape in the frame that looks like a person it will still be classified by our algorithm as a person but because it only kind of looks like a person it will receive a low confidence value, but if someone is wearing a high contrast clothing is detected the algorithm will be highly confident that there is a person present and will assign a very high confidence value. Thus if you see too many unwanted results increase the confidence limit to exclude these entries from the list and if you know that there was a person or other object that is missing from the list then decrease the confidence to include more recognized objects in the list.

The list of results can be attached to either edge of the screen or completely detached to position it anywhere you prefer:

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