Adding our Push Module to a Milesight Camera

Adding our Push Module to a Milesight Camera

To activate the push module on your Milesight cameras, please download the push enabled firmware and upgrade your camera using it.
To see a list of available push modules for Milesight cameras navigate to:

Milesight Firmware with Embedded Push Module

To upgrade your camera connect it to the network and navigate to the camera using an internet browser.

Step 1

Go to the Maintenance menu and click on the Choose File button. Browse to the downloaded firmware and select it. Once the file is chosen click the Upgrade button.


Step 2

From the Basic Settings menu go to the Network option. Automatic IP mode is recommended. If using a fixed IP address check “Default Gateway” and “Primary DNS server” settings, make sure that the camera can access the internet, and resolve DNS names.


Step 3

Also, it is important to ensure that the camera clock is configured correctly.

From the Basic Settings menu go to the Date & Time option. Configure time according to your needs making sure that the camera will have correct clock settings for its location.


Step 4

To find the camera's Registration code open the System menu page of the camera and copy MAC address. Remove all colons from this sequence and add "mls" at the beginning of the sequence to obtain

For the above example, the Registration code would be:


Step 5

Add camera in the Admin Portal using Registration code.

From the Customers table click on the customer to whom you want to add the camera then click on the Cameras menu on the customer menu level and use the Add button to integrate the camera.

In the window that will appear select the P&P Camera option.

Input the camera's Registration code and provide the camera's user credentials. Next, choose the billing plan and click the Create button!


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